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Sliabh gCallann /
Slieve Gallion 
Mountain Walk

Traditionally Slieve Gallion is explained as ‘Callann’s mountain’ and legend has it that a giant named Callann Mór is buried at CARNANBANE on the west side of the mountain.


Walk One: Starting at Iniscarn Forest and make your way to the cairn of the Gaint Callann. Approx 2 hours, low level.


Walk 2: Starting at Iniscarn Forest and make our way to the cairn of the Giant Callan and on wards to the Trig Point. Approx 4 hours, low level.

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Request A Private Guided Walk

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slieve gallion walk hike.PNG

Suitable Footwear and Clothing Are Required. If you fail to arrive in suitable attire we reserve the right to commence with the walk.

Walking Trips: Image

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